New Here?

Join us on

Sundays @ 10AM

Providence Hall High School
4557 Patriot Ridge Dr, Herriman, UT 84096

Worship starts at 10am, but we encourage people to arrive a little early in order to greet each other, find a seat and be prepared for worship by 10.

Where should I go?

We meet at Providence Hall High School which is located at 4557 West Patriot Ridge Drive, Herriman, UT 84096. You can park in the main parking lot, and come in through the main doors on the north side. There will be signs leading you into the worship area. There are also doors on the east side facing the soccer field and overlooking the valley that lead into the back of the worship area. If it’s difficult for you to walk using the main entrance, or during inclement weather, please feel free to go around behind the building and up the drive that leads to those doors. You are not able to park there, but you can drop off your loved one there.


What happens on Sundays?
What happens on Sundays?

We have a simple worship service consisting of a welcome and announcements, a time of singing, prayer, a Bible reading & sermon, and weekly celebration of Communion. Sunday worship typically lasts around 1 ¼ hours. We don’t pass an offering plate, and while we may ask your name and want to get to know you a bit, you won’t be pressured or singled out.

What about my kids?
What about my kids?

Your children of all ages are welcome to stay right with you all through worship. They are not a disruption no matter how loud they may squawk—we’ve all been there; your kids are a blessing!

However, every parent needs a break from their blessings sometimes, so if you wish, we have options for you based on your children’s ages:


A nursery is available every Sunday for children up to the age of 5. The nursery is staffed with experienced and background checked workers who will do their best to keep your children engaged. We will ask you to sign your children in, and provide a phone number where we can text you if necessary.

Kids Church

We offer kids church for children from Kindergarten through 3rd grade.  After a short summary of the sermon, they will be escorted into a classroom where we will try to reach them with Gospel and Jesus centered teaching based on The Gospel Project.

What should I wear?
What should I wear?

We believe God sets His love on us freely, just as we are, so please feel free to come just as you are. You will find us dressed pretty casually: khakis, shorts, jeans, the occasional dress, a tie every now and then. Please feel free to dress in whatever manner will let you feel most free to worship!

What kind of music do you play?
What kind of music do you play?

We believe that the role of music in our service is to support the congregation in singing praises to our King as a form of worship and to glorify God. We focus on songs with Biblical and meaningful lyrics that are singable, and will engage both your mind and your heart. Each week, we lead the congregation in singing songs ranging from traditional hymns to contemporary songs using a combination of acoustic and electric instruments in a modern style that we hope will be enjoyed by most people.


We generally celebrate Communion every Sunday. We invite all believers to come to the table even if you are not a member, as long as you regularly attend a church where the Gospel is preached.

Will I really be welcome?
Will I really be welcome?

At CHC, you will find people from a very wide variety of backgrounds, ‘faith journeys,’ and family histories. We don’t all have the same politics, live in the same neighborhoods, or share the same interests and convictions. We’re a mixed bag, in every respect. What we do share, however, is the same experience of being rescued by Jesus. We share the same desire to honor Him in all our messes and joys — together. However, if you have not yet come to know Jesus as others have – even if you have some doubts, or are not sure you believe in God at all – we invite you to come and join us. We are a family that loves, supports, and cares for each other, whether a believer or not. And friend, we would love to do so alongside you.


We would love to meet you and help you feel at home here at Copper Hills Church. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you to help with planning your visit.

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