Small Groups and Fellowship

We are all part of God’s church and his family. We encourage our congregation to meet regularly as any family would - not only at church on Sunday, but during the week as well. We invite everyone to learn and study the Bible together, pray together, and build family relationships, bonding with each other as one body.
Small Groups
Small Groups
We offer ongoing bible studies where we go through a book of the bible together – verse by verse – and take time to discuss, ask questions, and think about how to apply that to our lives.  We are currently holding a weekly bible study on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm via Zoom.  Whether you regularly attend CHC or not, you are free to join us.  Simply fill out the form below and ask to be included.  You will receive an email with the link each week.  We hope to resume in person soon.
Men's and Women's Group Activites
Men's and Women's Group Activites

Once per month, we have a Guy’s night and a Women’s night out.  They vary from just hanging out at someone’s home, going out for food, or maybe a fun activity somewhere.  If you would like to join us, just let us know using the form below,  and you will be included on the email invite.

Family Activites
Family Activites

A few times a year, we offer some family time together where everyone can join for a time of fellowship and fun.  If you would like to be notified when these events occur, please let us know by filling out the form below.  Or check our Events page to see what we have going on.

To find out about any upcoming events, click the button below.

Find a Group

At Copper Hills Church, we offer small group Bible studies and other opportunities for learning and fellowship during the week. Please let us know what you are interested in and what needs you have and we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for.

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